EventMeasure is a program used for logging and reporting events occurring in digital imagery. It is specifically
designed to allow fast, efficient analysis of movie sequences, and particularly for recording biological information and
animal behaviour in underwater movie sequences. The program supports a variety of still and movie image formats, and
events are recorded by overlaying dot points on imagery and assigning attributes to those points. EventMeasure
dynamically analyses recorded events and reports abundance measures such as MaxN, cumulative MaxN and mean count (both by
species and stage).
The software allows the user to load predefined files of attributes and to edit and automatically add to attribute files
as imagery is analysed. EventMeasure supports a user-definable file for family, genus, species and code information
(generally CAAB codes are used in Australian applications). In addition to the attributes that can be assigned to dot
points, EventMeasure has 12 user configurable information fields. These information fields are usually configured to
record general survey information (depth, location, observer details, etc). All attribute information and measurements can
be exported as database tables or generic text files suitable for importing to spreadsheet or database software for further
analysis. EventMeasure incorporates a movie player with fast forward playback and stepping functions to provide
efficient analysis of movie footage.
EventMeasure allows the capture of reference images in either still or movie format, with the identified individual
highlighted by a dot. The software has a built in viewer that allows reference images to be recalled and viewed.
EventMeasure supports the importation of point annotations (for abundance) and measurements for 3D position and size
that have been derived outside the software package, typically from machine learning/AI output.
EventMeasure incorporates an optional stereo measurement component, EventMeasure (Stereo). Stereo measurement allows measurement of 3D position relative to the camera system along with 3D length measurement, including the range and pose of the measured object. Stereo measurement relies on camera system calibrations produced by the CAL software. Using suitable stereo camera systems fish ranging in size from Pupfish (~20mm) to whale sharks can be accurately measured.
The most common applications of EventMeasure are analysis of stationary camera surveys (typically known as 'BRUV' or stereo 'BRUV') and anlysis of fish transect surveys (often diver-based, but also ROV or AUV mounted cameras systems). EventMeasure is also widely used in the following applications: